Point Set Topology

TagsMATH 115

Proof tips

Why topology?

We can provide good definitions of continuity for RR, but when it comes to arbitrary spaces like R2R^2 or funky regions, we are at a loss. That’s where topology comes in!

Set interiors

Definition of interiority 🐧

The interior of a set SS is the set of all xSx \in S such that there exists some ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 where (xϵ,x+ϵ)S(x - \epsilon, x + \epsilon) \in S. This () notation denotes an open interval. We denote this as int(S)int(S).

Implications of interiors 🚀

Let’s say that S=[0,1]S = [0, 1]. The int(S)int(S) you can construct ϵ=min(x,1x)\epsilon = \min(x, 1-x). Now, this is valid for all xSx \in S EXCEPT for 0,10, 1, where the ϵ=0\epsilon = 0, which violates the rules. So, you say that int(S)=(0,1)int(S) = (0, 1). s

Let’s say that S=(0,1)S = (0, 1). Now, you can construct the same ϵ\epsilon, and that always yields the interval (xϵ,x+ϵ)=(0,1)S(x - \epsilon, x + \epsilon) = (0, 1) \in S, which means that int(S)=S=(0,1)int(S) = S = (0, 1).

So, the conclusion is that open sets are its own interior! (more on this later)

Limit Points

Definition of limit points 🐧

Given that SRS \subseteq \mathbb{R}, then a limiting point of SS is some xx where for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, there exists some sSs \in S where

0<sx<ϵ0 < |s - x| < \epsilon

We need to use the << and not \leq, because if s=xs = x, we get these things called isolated points. In the example above, 11 would be an isolated point, as for any arbitrary ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, we can just select s=1/1s = 1/1, and the absolute value is zero. Instead, we wnat to focus on points that have a place of contraction, where things squeeze towards it, rather than going away.

Finding limit points 🔨

A point xx is a limiting point if you can find a sequence of points in SS such that sns,limsn=xs_n \neq s, \lim s_n = x. The proof is literally the definition of the limit points and the limit definition snx<ϵ|s_n - x| < \epsilon.

Set Closures 🐧

We can create a set closure by doing Sˉ=S{LP(S)}\bar S = S \cup \{LP(S)\}, where LPLP are the limiting points of SS.

It follows that an already closed set will have all LP(S)SLP(S) \in S.

Open and Closed Intervals

Finding open intervals 🔨

We say that a set is open if S=int(S)S = int(S). Remember that we have a specific definition for the interiority of a set.

Finding closed intervals 🔨

In general, finding open intervals is easier, so if you can, try to work in complements

To show closure, you can do the following (equivalent)

Some critical results 🚀

Union of any open intervals is open.

intersection of finite open intervals is open

intersection of any closed intervals is closed

Union of finite closed intervals is closed

Why isn’t the union of infinite closed intervals closed? Well, you can think of any set as the infinite union of individual elements, and not all sets are closed!

There can be open and closed intervals. R,R, \emptyset both satisfy this, in a property known as connectedness. Intervals like [0,1)[0, 1) is neither open nor closed. It’s not open because of 00, and it’s not closed because of 11.

Compact Sets and Open Covers

Compact Set Definition 🐧

There is a less formal definition that we use in RR, and then after we talk about open covers, we will propose a more formal definition that works in any metric space.

The less formal definition (works in RR only): a compact set is such that if we have an arbitrary sequence sns_n from SS, we can find a convergent subsequence whose limit is in SS. We will mostly be using this definition in class.

The formal definition is as follows: A compact set is such that every open cover of SS has a finite subcover

Heine-Borel Theorem 🚀

SS is compact if and only if SS is closed and bounded

Open Covers 🐧

An open cover of a set SS is defined as a collection of open sets whose union contains SS, or in symbolic terms:

U={UααI}U = \{U_\alpha | \alpha \in I\} such that SαIUαS \subseteq \bigcup_{\alpha \in I} U_\alpha.

The II can be a finite set, or it can be something like NN or RR.

A subcover is just a subset II’ and we take the same union but across this III’ \subseteq I.

An open set doesn’t necessarily have to be (a,b)(a, b). It can be anything such that all xSx \in S has some ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 such that (xϵ,x+ϵ)S(x - \epsilon, x + \epsilon) \in S.

Metric Spaces (bonus)

What is a metric space? 🐧

Let’s try to generalize some things to RnR^n. In RR, there was a natural ordering, and this was important to many of our proofs (think: triangle inequality). But as we move to arbitrary sets like RnR^n or even some wacky one like an arbitrary SS, this ordering doesn’t exist anymore.

Instead, we have to define it through a distance function. A distance function, or metric, has these properties

  1. d(x,x)=0d(x, x) = 0
  1. d(x,y)=d(y,x)d(x, y) = d(y, x)
  1. d(x,z)d(x,y)+d(y,z)d(x, z) \leq d(x, y) + d(y, z) (triangle inequality)

We call a metric space as complete if every Cauchy sequence in SS converges to some element in SS. The metric space (R,abs)(R, abs) is complete because we have shown that cauchy sequences implies convergence.

Sequences in metric spaces 🚀

A sequence in any metric space converges to ss if limd(sn,s)=0\lim d(s_n, s) = 0. You can set up all the traditional limit definitions. If the metric space is complete, you can also use cauchy definitions.

For RnR^n, you can actually show that a sequence converges if its individual dimensions are convergent. Through this, you can show that RnR^n is complete

The Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem also holds in RnR^n. All of these proofs in RnR^n hinges on the fact that you can separate things by dimensions.

Interiority in metric spaces 🚀

this is actually not too hard. Just replace all our discussions of (xϵ,x+ϵ)(x -\epsilon, x + \epsilon) with the notion of d(x,x0)<ϵd(x, x_0) < \epsilon.