
TagsMATH 115

Proof tips

Darboux Integrals

Partitions 🐧

To establish the Darboux integral, we first need to talk about a partition, PPο»Ώ. We define a partition on [a,b][a, b]ο»Ώ as a set

P={a=x0<x1<...<xn=b}P = \{a = x_0 < x_1< ... < x_n = b\}

We call QQο»Ώ a subpartition of PPο»Ώ if PβŠ†QP \subseteq Qο»Ώ. Intuitively, QQο»Ώ has more slices than PPο»Ώ.

Intuitively, we also know that if P,QP, Qο»Ώ are both partitions, then R=PβˆͺQR = P \cup Qο»Ώ is also a partition.

Darboux Sum 🐧

let M(f,S)=sup⁑{f(x)}M(f, S) = \sup \{f(x)\}ο»Ώ and m(f,S)=inf⁑{f(x)}m(f, S) = \inf\{f(x)\}ο»Ώ where SSο»Ώ is one segment of a partition, [xkβˆ’1,xk][x_{k-1}, x_k]ο»Ώ.

Using this notation, we can define the upper Darboux sum as

U(f,P)=βˆ‘k=1M(f,[xkβˆ’1,xk])(xkβˆ’xkβˆ’1)U(f, P) = \sum_{k = 1} M(f, [x_{k-1}, x_k])(x_k - x_{k-1})

and the lower Darboux sum as

L(f,P)=βˆ‘k=1m(f,[xkβˆ’1,xk])(xkβˆ’xkβˆ’1)L(f, P) = \sum_{k = 1} m(f, [x_{k-1}, x_k])(x_k - x_{k-1})

Properties of Darboux Sums πŸš€

Obviously, from our definition, we know that U(f,P)β‰₯L(f,P)U(f, P) \geq L(f, P)ο»Ώ because each Mβ‰₯mM \geq mο»Ώ.

We can also say this: If QQο»Ώ is a subpartition of PPο»Ώ, then U(f,Q)≀U(f,P)U(f, Q) \leq U(f, P)ο»Ώ and L(f,Q)β‰₯L(f,Q)L(f, Q) \geq L(f, Q)ο»Ώ.

The Darboux Integral 🐧

We propose the following definition for a Darboux integral:

∫abf(x)dx=inf⁑{U(f,P)}=sup⁑{L(f,P)}\int_a^bf(x)dx = \inf\{U(f, P)\} = \sup\{L(f, P)\}

For notational purposes, we call U(f)=inf⁑{U(f,P)}U(f) = \inf\{ U(f, P)\}, where this means the greatest lower bound of this value across all possible partitions. Similarly, we use the shorthand L(f)=sup⁑{L(f,P)}L(f) = \sup\{L(f, P)\}

Naturally, if U(f)β‰ L(f)U(f) \neq L(f)ο»Ώ, then the function is not integrable.

Darboux Integrability Theorem πŸš€ ⭐

Theorem: A bounded function on [a,b][a, b]ο»Ώ is Darboux-Integrable if and only if there exists a sequence of partitions PnP_nο»Ώ such that lim⁑nβ†’βˆžU(f,Pn)=lim⁑nβ†’βˆžL(f,Pn)\lim_{nβ†’\infty} U(f, P_n) = \lim_{n β†’ \infty} L(f, P_n)ο»Ώ.

This PnP_nο»Ώ is not necessarily related to each other, and U(f,Pn)U(f, P_n)ο»Ώ need not be monotonic.

Practically speaking, we can often show integrability by proposing a sequence PnP_nο»Ώ (or an arbitrary one) and showing that lim⁑U(f,Pn)βˆ’L(f,Pn)=0\lim U(f, P_n) - L(f, P_n) = 0ο»Ώ using classical epsilon approaches.

A practical trick is to just show that there exists some PΟ΅P_\epsilonο»Ώ that satisfies U(f,PΟ΅)βˆ’L(f,PΟ΅)<Ο΅U(f, P_\epsilon) - L(f, P_\epsilon) < \epsilonο»Ώ for all Ο΅>0\epsilon > 0ο»Ώ.

Improper Integrals πŸš€ (bonus)

So what if you want to take ∫abf(x)dx\int_a^b f(x)dxο»Ώ but f(b)=∞f(b) = \inftyο»Ώ? In this case, it is not Darboux integrable, but this doesn’t necessairly mean that the whole thing isn’t integrable. You can try to compute F(t)=∫atf(x)dxF(t) = \int_a^t f(x)dxο»Ώ. if you can show that F(t)F(t)ο»Ώ is finite for all t∈[a,b)t \in [a, b)ο»Ώ, then you can take lim⁑tβ†’bF(t)\lim_{t β†’ b}F(t)ο»Ώ. It can be that as you get closer, this FFο»Ώ starts to diverge. You’ll see this if you have some Ο΅\epsilonο»Ώ in the denominator. However, if you have all Ο΅\epsilonο»Ώ in the numerator, this FFο»Ώ may converge. In this case, then you do have a value of ∫abf(x)dx\int_a^b f(x)dxο»Ώ.

Implicitly, we assume that F(t)F(t)ο»Ώ is continuous at t=bt = bο»Ώ. So, you need to make sure that this is true by looking at the formula for F(t)F(t)ο»Ώ.

If you have an infinite discontinuity in the middle of an interval, just split the integral.

Continuous Integrals πŸš€ (bonus)

You can show that as long as ffο»Ώ is bounded, the antiderivative is continuous. In other words, lim⁑x0F(x)=F(x0)\lim_{x_0}F(x) = F(x_0)ο»Ώ. You can do this by bounding ∫axβˆ’Mdxβ‰€βˆ«axf(x)dxβ‰€βˆ«axMdx\int_a^x -M dx \leq \int_a^x f(x)dx \leq \int_a^x Mdxο»Ώ, and this squeezes the middle integral to be F(x)β†’F(a)F(x) β†’ F(a)ο»Ώ (because it’s F(x)βˆ’F(a)F(x) - F(a)ο»Ώ to start with.

Meshes and Integrability

Mesh Definition 🐧

We define a mesh of a partition to be max⁑k(xkβˆ’xkβˆ’1)\max_k (x_k - x_{k-1})ο»Ώ, i.e. what is the coarsest gap you have in your partition?

Cauchy Integrability Criterion πŸš€ ⭐

Theorem: a bounded function (∣f(x)∣<B|f(x)| < B) is integrable if and only if for every ϡ>0\epsilon > 0, there exists a δ>0\delta > 0 such that

mesh(P)<Ξ΄β†’U(f,P)βˆ’L(f,P)<Ο΅mesh(P) < \delta \rightarrow U(f, P) - L(f, P) < \epsilon

The cauchy integrability criterion allows us to judge integrability in another way. We previously had to define a series of PnP_nο»Ώ. Now, we can just derive a generic mesh. Often, the most convenient mesh is the uniform one: xk=a+bβˆ’ankx_k = a + \frac{b - a}{n}kο»Ώ. So, the cauchy integrability criterion enables you to use this uniform mesh to decide integrabiilty.

This is also why Darboux and Riemann integrals are equivalent.

Theories of Integrals

Integral Basic Theorems πŸš€


∫abf(x)+g(x)=∫abf(x)+∫abg(x)\int_a^bf(x) + g(x) = \int_a^bf(x) + \int_a^b g(x)


∫abcf(x)=c∫abf(x)\int_a^b cf(x) = c\int_a^b f(x)


∫abf(x)=∫acf(x)+∫cbf(x)\int_a^bf(x) = \int_a^c f(x) + \int_c^b f(x)

Bounded Continuous Integrability Theorem πŸš€

Theorem: if a function is bounded and continuous on [a,b][a, b]ο»Ώ, then it is integrable on [a,b][a, b]ο»Ώ.

Bounded Monotone Integrability Theorem πŸš€

While all bounded continuous functions are integrable, there are more functions that are integrable that are not continuous.

Theorem: all bounded monotone functions are integrable.

Point Difference Integrability Theorem πŸš€

Theorem: if f,gf, gο»Ώ are bounded functions and f(x)=g(x)f(x) = g(x)ο»Ώ on [a,b][a, b]ο»Ώ except for a finite number of points, then if ffο»Ώ is integrable, then ggο»Ώ is integrable.

This is not true if the number of points is infinite. The reason is that, in the proof below, we rely on a finite partition and we can’t do this for an infinite number of points.

Mean Value Theorem of Integrals πŸš€

Theorem: if ff is continuous on [a,b][a, b], then there must exist one x∈(a,b)x \in (a, b) such that

f(x)=1bβˆ’a∫abf(x)f(x) = \frac{1}{b-a}\int_a^b f(x)

Intuitively this is true if you think about the right hand side as the average value of a function. Basically, this is saying that ffο»Ώ must pass through the average value.

Limits and integrals (bonus)

In some cases, you can switch limits and integrals. However, this may not be true all the time.

Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

The Fundamental Theorem πŸš€

Theorem: if ffο»Ώ is continuous on [a,b][a, b]ο»Ώ, let g(x)=∫axf(x)dxg(x) = \int_a^x f(x)dxο»Ώ. Then, g’(x)=f(x)g’(x) = f(x)ο»Ώ. In other words, the derivative is the left inverse of the integral

Theorem: if ffο»Ώ is continuous on [a,b][a, b]ο»Ώ, then ∫abf’(x)dx=f(b)βˆ’f(a)\int_a^b f’(x)dx = f(b) - f(a)ο»Ώ. In other words, the derivative is also the right inverse of the integral.

Integration by Parts πŸš€


∫abu(x)vβ€²(x)dx+∫abuβ€²(x)v(x)dx=u(b)v(b)βˆ’u(a)v(a)\int_a^b u(x)v'(x)dx + \int_a^b u'(x)v(x)dx = u(b)v(b) - u(a)v(a)

Why is this useful? Well, if we ever see a problem that looks like the product of two things, we can just write it as

∫uvβ€²=uvβˆ’βˆ«uβ€²v\int uv' = uv - \int u'v

U-substitution πŸš€


∫abf(u(x))uβ€²(x)dx=∫u(a)u(b)f(u)du\int_a^b f(u(x))u'(x)dx = \int_{u(a)}^{u(b)}f(u)du

Why do we care? Well, suppose that we had a funtion that looks like f(u(x))u’(x)f(u(x)) u’(x)ο»Ώ. We can change it into a simpler integral by essentially reversing the chain rule.