Functions and Continuity

TagsMATH 115

Proof tips


Definition 🐧

A function is something that maps between elements of AA to elements of BB. These sets can be finite or infinite. One input maps to only one output (i.e. the vertical line test)

Cardinality 🐧

The cardinality of a set is the number of elements in it, typically denoted with A|A|.

A countable infinity is just defined as N|\mathbb{N}|. There are an infinite number of uncountable infinities. Anything is countably infinite if you can make a bijection between N\mathbb{N} and the set.

Injective, surjective, bijective 🐧

An injective function has all abf(a)f(b)a\neq b → f(a) \neq f(b), i.e. the horizontal line test. A good way of proving injectivity is to have f(a)=f(b)f(a) = f(b) and showing that a=ba = b.

A surjective function has the following: for all bBb \in B, there exists some aAa \in A such that f(a)=bf(a) = b. There might be more than one, of course. A good proof trick is to pick a random bb and show that an aa exists.

A bijective function is both injective and surjective. This means for all bBb \in B, there exists one and only one aAa \in A such that f(a)=bf(a) = b.

Finite results from injective, surjective, bijective 🚀

If A,BA, B are finite, then if ff is surjective, then BA|B| \leq |A|.

If A,BA, B are finite, then if ff is injective, then AB|A| \leq |B|

Key result: if A,BA, B are finite, if ff is bijective, then A=B|A| = |B|.

Weird results for infinity 🚀

For infinite sets, these rules don’t hold. For example, you can make a bijective mappings between N\mathbb{N} and 2N2\mathbb{N} , but the number of elements is less is the second set. But, of course, we have a bit of a circular definition for cardinality in the infinite domain. Because we can make a bijective mapping between N,2NN, 2N, we conclude that they have the same cardinality.

Function rules 🔨

Limits of Functions

Delta Epsilon Definition 🐧

A limit of a function limxx0f(x)\lim_{x → x_0}f(x) is defined to be ll if, for all ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, we have f(x)x0<ϵ|f(x) - x_0| < \epsilon for all x(x0δ,x0+δ)x \in (x_0 - \delta, x_0 + \delta) for some δ>0\delta > 0. Graphically, this looks like the following

It’s actually quite similar to the epsilon definition for a sequence. The only difference is that we must bound xx on both sides, and we must use an interval because there is no notion of natural number indexes.

As a key note, we need δ>0\delta > 0. If δ=0\delta = 0, then we are considering the function evalutaed at x0x_0, and in limits, we care about the neighboring behavior, NOT the actual behavior at x0x_0 as sometimes it can be undefined, like sin(x)/x\sin(x)/ x for x=0x = 0

Showing limits 🔨

Just like in sequences, you need to take an arbitrary ϵ\epsilon and show that you can find a δϵ\delta_\epsilon that satisfies the limit definition.


The definition 🐧

A function is continuous at x0x_0 if and only if

limxx0f(x)=f(x0)\lim_{x \rightarrow x_0}f(x) = f(x_0)

We say that a function is continuous as a whole if for all xdom(f)x \in dom(f), we have that the function is continuous at xx.

Showing continuity 🔨

You can show it through the formal definition, i.e. find a δ\delta such that xx0<δ|x - x_0| < \delta mean that f(x)f(x0)<ϵ|f(x) - f(x_0)| < \epsilon.

You can also use limit laws to compute limf(x)\lim f(x) and show that it becomes f(x0)f(x_0).

Showing discontinuity 🔨

You just need to compute the limit at x0x_0 and show that it doesn’t converge to f(x0)f(x_0) for some x0x_0.

Continuity theorems

If ff is continuous, then f|f| and kfkf are continuous, where kk is a finiite multiplier

If g,fg, f is continuous, then g+f,gf,f/gg + f, g * f, f/ g is continuous at x0x_0. ( the last one only if g(x0)0g(x_0) \neq 0.

If gg is continuous at f(x0)f(x_0) and ff is continuous at x0x_0, then gfg\circ f is continuous

Local and Global properties 🐧

A local property of a function is something that only concerns some x(xσ,x+σ)x \in (x - \sigma, x + \sigma) for some finite σ\sigma. Examples of local properties include

A global property depends on the whole function, unbounded. Some examples include

Implications of continuity

Boundedness of continuous functions 🚀

Claim: if ff is continuous on [a,b][a, b], then f(x)f(x) is bounded on [a,b][a, b]. This [a,b][a, b] must be bounded and closed; you can replace it with any bounded and closed SS if you want.

Because we have shown that ff is bounded, we have shown that inf(f),sup(f)\inf(f), \sup(f) exists. Now, we will show that we actually reach the infimum and supremums

Existence of maxima and minima 🚀

Claim: for any interval [a,b][a, b], there exists x0,x1x_0, x_1 such that f(x0)f(x)f(x1)f(x_0) \leq f(x) \leq f(x_1).

Intermediate Value Theorem 🚀

Claim: let mm be the minimum and MM be the maximum that a function takes on in [a,b][a, b]. For any m<y0<Mm < y_0 < M, there must exist a x0x_0 such that y0=f(x0)y_0 = f(x_0), if ff is continuous.

Corollary: if ff is continuous on an interval II, then f(I)={f(x):xI}f(I) = \{f(x) : x \in I\} is an interval or a single point.

Uniform Continuity

The formal definition 🐧

A function is uniformly continuous across SS if for any x,ySx, y \in S and any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, there exists a δϵ>0\delta_\epsilon > 0 such that f(x)f(y)<ϵ|f(x) - f(y)| < \epsilon when xy<δϵ|x - y| < \delta_\epsilon.

Why do we care about uniform continuity? And what makes it different from normal continuity? Well, for normal continuity, there are cases where this δϵ\delta_\epsilon depends on ϵ\epsilon as well as x0x_0. Consider the example of yx2y - x^2. As this xx becomes larger, for any ϵ\epsilon, we have that the δϵ\delta_\epsilon becomes smaller. (we will formalize this intuition when we talk about derivatives)

As a result of our definition above, a function that is uniformly continuous has one δϵ\delta_\epsilon per ϵ\epsilon that works for all xSx \in S. (alternative definition)

Continuity Theorem 🚀 ⭐

Theorem: if f(x)f(x) is continuous in a closed and bounded SS, then it is uniformly continuous. This only works on closed and bounded (compact) sets.

Cauchy equivalence 🚀

Theorem: if ff is uniformly continuous on SS, and sns_n is cauchy in SS, then f(sn)f(s_n) is cauchy.

The ultimate connection 🚀 ⭐

Theorem: a real-valued function ff on (a,b)(a, b) is uniformly continuous on (a,b)(a, b) if and only if it can be extended to a continuous function ff on [a,b][a, b].

We define an extension as finding f(a),f(b)f(a), f(b) such that f(x)f(x) is continuous at a,ba, b.

Real Roots Development 🧸

This is just a fun aside, but how do we define axa^x for xRx \in \mathbb{R}? We start from the natural numbers

  1. We define ax,xNa^x, x \in N to be aaaa * a * a … for xx times.
  1. We define ax,xQa^x, x \in Q to be the following. Suppose we have x=m/nx = m / n. Then, axa^x is a number such that (ax)n=am(a^x)^n = a^m.
  1. Now, we define ax,xRa^x, x \in R to be the following: create a sequence {qi}Q\{q_i\} \in Q such that limqi=x\lim q_i = x. (this is almost like a dedekind cut). We define ax=limaqia^x = \lim a^{q_i}.

This last part suffers from the same non-determinism that our last section dealt with. It is possible to show that all such qiq_i converges to the same value of axa^x, but we won’t get into that here.