
TagsMATH 115

Proof tricks

Basic Properties

What is the derivative? 🐧

We define the derivative of a function to be

lim⁑xβ†’af(x)βˆ’f(a)xβˆ’a\lim_{x \rightarrow a} \frac{f(x)-f(a)}{x - a}

A slightly easier definition is

lim⁑hβ†’0f(x+h)βˆ’f(x)h\lim_{h\rightarrow 0} \frac{f(x + h) - f(x)}{h}

Examples of derivatives from definition 🧸

Derivative of ccο»Ώ is 0

Derivative of xnx^nο»Ώ is nxnβˆ’1nx^{n-1}ο»Ώ

Derivative of sin⁑(x)=cos⁑(x)\sin(x) = \cos(x).

Derivative of exe^xο»Ώ is exe^xο»Ώ.

Differentiability implies continuity πŸš€

Theorem: if a function is differentiable at a point aaο»Ώ, then it must be continuous

This does NOT go the other way! Continuous functions may not be differentiable.

Derivative rules πŸš€

Scalar rule: (cf)’(a)=cf’(a)(cf)’(a) = c f’(a)ο»Ώ

Sum rule: (f+g)’(a)=f’(a)+g’(a)(f + g)’(a) = f’(a) + g’(a)ο»Ώ

Product rule: (fg)’(a)=g(a)f’(a)+g’(a)f(a)(fg)’(a) = g(a)f’(a) + g’(a)f(a)ο»Ώ.

Quotient rule: (f/g)’(a)=(g(a)f’(a)βˆ’f(a)g’(a))/g2(a)(f/g)’(a) = (g(a)f’(a) - f(a)g’(a)) / g^2(a)ο»Ώ. [low-dee-high minus high-dee-low is a good way of remembering it].

Chain rule: (g∘f)’(a)=g’(f(a))f’(a)(g \circ f)’(a) = g’(f(a))f’(a)ο»Ώ.

Theorems of Derivatives

Increasing, decreasing 🐧

Given some interval IIο»Ώ

Extrema zero-derivative theorem πŸš€

Theorem: if ffο»Ώ is defined on (a,b)(a, b)ο»Ώ and f(x0)f(x_0)ο»Ώ is the maximum or minimum value (not the infimum or supremum), then f’(x0)=0f’(x_0) = 0ο»Ώ

Rolle’s Theorem πŸš€

Theorem: if ffο»Ώ is continuous on [a,b][a, b]ο»Ώ and differentiable on (a,b)(a, b)ο»Ώ an dsatisfies f(a)=f(b)f(a) = f(b)ο»Ώ, then there is at least one x∈(a,b)x \in (a, b)ο»Ώ such that f’(x)=0f’(x) = 0ο»Ώ. In other words, β€œwhat goes up must come down.”

Mean Value Theorem πŸš€

Theorem: If ffο»Ώ is continuous on [a,b][a, b]ο»Ώ and differentiable on (a,b)(a, b)ο»Ώ, then there exists at least one x∈(a,b)x \in (a, b)ο»Ώ such that f’(x)=(f(b)βˆ’f(a))/(bβˆ’a)f’(x) = (f(b) - f(a))/(b -a)ο»Ώ.

Corollaries of the MVT

Corollary: if f’(x)=0f’(x) = 0ο»Ώ in an interval, it must be a constant function

Corollary: if f’(x)>0f’(x) > 0ο»Ώ in an interval, the function ffο»Ώ must be strictly increasing (and vice versa)

Corollary: if ∣f’(x)βˆ£β‰€M|f’(x)| \leq Mο»Ώ for some finite MMο»Ώ, then ffο»Ώ is uniformly continuous.

Corollary: If f’=g’f’ = g’, then f=g+cf = g + cο»Ώ.

This is actually pretty important, as it shows that antiderivatives with the same derivative are related by some CCο»Ώ.

Intermediate Value Theorem for Derivatives (bonus) πŸš€

Theorem: If ffο»Ώ is differentiable in (a,b)(a, b )ο»Ώ. If a<x1<x2<ba < x_1 < x_2 < bο»Ώ and ccο»Ώ is between f’(x1)f’(x_1)ο»Ώ and f’(x2)f’(x_2)ο»Ώ, then there exists some x∈(x1,x2)x \in (x_1, x_2)ο»Ώ such that f(x)=cf(x) = cο»Ώ.

Derivative of an inverse (bonus)πŸš€

Theorem: if ffο»Ώ is one-to-one, and let J=f(I)J = f(I)ο»Ώ. If ffο»Ώ is differentiable in IIο»Ώ and all f’(x0)β‰ 0f’(x_0) \neq 0ο»Ώ, then

(fβˆ’1)β€²(y)=1fβ€²(x)(f^{-1})'(y) = \frac{1}{f'(x)}

where y=f(x)y = f(x)ο»Ώ.

Local Extrema 🐧

We define a local extrema of a function x0x_0ο»Ώ to be a point such that there exists some Ξ΄>0\delta > 0ο»Ώ where f(x0)>f(x)f(x_0) > f(x)ο»Ώ for all ∣xβˆ’x0∣<Ξ΄|x - x_0| < \deltaο»Ώ (or vice versa for a minimum)

We won’t prove this, but to see if x0x_0ο»Ώ is a local maximum, minimum, or neither, we can use a general version of the second derivative test.

  1. If ffο»Ώ is infinitely differentiable, start with points where f’(x0)=0f’(x_0) = 0ο»Ώ. Then, keep on taking derivatives such that f(n)(x0)=0f^{(n)}(x_0) = 0ο»Ώ and f(n+1)(x0)β‰ 0f^{(n+1)}(x_0)\neq 0ο»Ώ
  1. If nnο»Ώ is even, then x0x_0ο»Ώ is neither local max or min
  1. If nnο»Ώ is odd, then if f(n+1)(x0)>0f^{(n+1)}(x_0)>0ο»Ώ, then x0x_0ο»Ώ is a local minimum. Else, local maximum.

L’Hospital’s Rule πŸš€

To find lim⁑f(x)/g(x)\lim f(x)/g(x)ο»Ώ when f(x0)=g(x0)=0f(x_0) = g(x_0) = 0ο»Ώ or when f(x0)=g(x0)=∞f(x_0) = g(x_0) = \inftyο»Ώ, it is sufficient to calculate lim⁑f’(x)/g’(x)\lim f’(x)/g’(x)ο»Ώ.

From the intuition, we understand that we somehow need to get these points to be the same. To help, we propose the following lemma:

Lemma: if f,gf, g are differentiable in (a,b)(a, b), then there exists some c∈(a,b)c \in (a, b) such that

fβ€²(c)gβ€²(c)=f(b)βˆ’f(a)g(b)βˆ’g(a)\frac{f'(c)}{g'(c)} = \frac{f(b) - f(a)}{g(b)- g(a)}

Finally, we will introduce a simple concept: the one-sided limit. We say that lim⁑xβ†’x0+f(x)=L\lim_{x β†’x_0^+}f(x) = Lο»Ώ if for all Ο΅>0\epsilon > 0ο»Ώ, we have ∣f(x)βˆ’L∣<Ο΅|f(x) - L| < \epsilonο»Ώ for all x∈(x0,x0+δϡ)x \in (x_0, x_0 + \delta_\epsilon)ο»Ώ. Vice versa for the other side.

A true limit exists if and only if the left and right sided limits exist and are equal.

Now, we are ready for the actual proof.