Distribution Divergences


KL divergence

KL divergence is an asymmetric measure of distribution separation


Given two densities, we define a general f-divergence as

where ff is any convex, lower-semicontinuous function with f(1)=0f(1) = 0. Lower-semicontinuous basically means that around x0x_0, every point that is below must be continuous. Every point above is fine. This looks like the following diagram:

Properties of F-divergences

Always greater than zero

Examples of F-divergences

There are so many types of F-divergences, with a common type being KL divergence, where f=uloguf = u\log u (careful! It’s not log\log because it’s plogp/qp \log p/q, not qlogp/qq \log p/q. ) Total Variation is also a common one, where the f=u1f = |u-1|