Multi-Task Learning

TagsCS 330Multi-Task

Tasks and where to find them

Remember that a task consists of data-generating distributions p(x),p(yx),p(x), p(y | x), and a loss function LL. Often, between tasks, we share certain attributes

Multi-Task Models

You need to tell the model what to do, so you give it some context zz. This could be a one-hot vector, or it could be something more complicated. You’re essentially training p(yx,z)p(y | x, z).

The extreme examples

With one-hot vectors, you can essentially “gate” a neural network ensemble such that each task gets its own network. Here, there are no parameter sharing

On the other extreme, we can just inject zz into the activations somewhere which means that all the weights are shared

There are many ways of injection. We can concatenate zz with an activation or add it. These two operations are mathematically equivalent if you’re talking about linear layers, due to properties of matrix multiplication.

You can also do multiplicative conditioning, which is sort of like the “gating” thing we talked about but softer. You take the element-wise product between the task representation and an activation.

There are more complicated conditioning choices but these are the simplest.

Being in-between

What you can do is split parameters between shared and task-specific, with an objective of

It’s difficult to choose where these parameters are though. A common way is to use a multi-head architecture, where you have a shared trunk and task-specific heads

Multi-task objectives

You can just sum up the losses

but there can be cases where you want to upweigh certain loss functions more. Perhaps one task is harder, or one task is more important. These depend a lot on heuristics

You can also use a min-max objective, which basically takes the worst task and optimizes it

This should be used if the tasks are equally important and you to be fair

Multi-task optimization

basically sample equally from the tasks

Potential problems

Negative transfer

Sometimes, the model will perform worse with shared weights. This could be from optimization problems, or the tasks are contradictory. It may also be the case that the model is too small to represent all the tasks.

Potential solutions


If your model overfits to the specific tasks, you might not be sharing enough parameters. When you share parameters, it’s like you’re regularizing the model.

What if you have a lot of tasks?

It’s hard to select the right tasks, although there are some works in the field. This is still an open problem