
TagsMath 104Math 113

The \perp operator

VV^\perp is the set of all vectors ww such that w,v=0\langle w, v \rangle = 0 for all vVv \in V. You can think of this as the annilator of a subspace in terms of our dual vocabulary.


Here are the properties (assume that UU is a subspace of VV

  1. if UU is a subspace, then UU^\perp is also a subspace
  1. 0=V0^\perp = V
  1. V=0V^\perp = 0
  1. UU=0U \cap U^\perp = 0
  1. if UWU \subset W, then WUW^\perp \subset U^\perp
  1. V=UUV = U \oplus U^\perp
  1. U=UU^{\perp^\perp} = U
  1. (V+W)=VW(V + W)^\perp = V^\perp \cap W^\perp (basically the "not" of two things together is the intersection of what they're not.

Projection operator

Inner products are understood as projections onto the target vector. Generally speaking, to project any vector vv onto uu, we have

Pu,v=u,vuuuP_{u, v} = \frac{\langle u, v\rangle}{||u||} \frac{u}{||u||}

Projection onto Orthonormal Basis

A projection operator is very simple with an orthonormal basis: given an orthonormal basis u1,...unu_1, ...u_n, we have

PVx=(uiTx)ui=uiuiTx=AATxP_Vx = \sum (u_i^Tx)u_i = \sum u_iu_i^Tx = AA^Tx

Projecting any vector onto any subspace is equivalent to projecting onto each individual component of its orthogonal basis and taking the vector sum (more on this later)


  1. PUL(V)P_U \in \mathcal{L}(V) (in other words, it is a linear map)
  1. PUu=uP_U u = u (if uUu\in U)
  1. PUw=0P_Uw = 0 if wUw \in U^\perp
  1. rangePU=Urange P_U = U
  1. nullPU=Unull P_U = U^\perp
  1. vPUvUv - P_U v \in U^\perp (intuitively, this is because UU=VU \oplus U^\perp = V; just rearrange this equation and you will see
  1. PU2=PuP_U^2 = P_u (makes sense)
  1. PUvv||P_U v|| \leq ||v|| (also makes sense)

Projection as Contraction

You can prove that vPUvvu|v - P_Uv|| \leq ||v - u|| for all uUu \in U. Therefore, the projection operator vector is the closest vector to vv on UU.

Projections as matrices

Suppose you had a set of orthonormal vectors v1,...vnv_1, ...v_n that you wanted to project a vector uu onto. You would do the following:

u,vivi\sum \langle u, v_i\rangle v_i

As it turns out, if you let a m×nm \times n matrix AA be the matrix whose column is v1,...vnv_1, ...v_n, the projection operation above can be represented as


Using projection

Linear regression

Closest distance between two parameterized lines

a+tv(b+tw)=(ab)(tv+tw)||a+tv - (b+t'w)|| = ||(a-b) - (-tv + t'w)||

And this is exactly the same as projecting the vector aba - b onto the span of u,wu, w. And we know exactly how to do this!


Tv,w=v,Tw\langle Tv, w\rangle = \langle v, T^*w\rangle . This is the property of an adjoint map

Now, this should be ringing alarm bells in your head, because this seems dangerously like dual maps, because it is!

Matrix of the adjoint map

Without getting to much in depth, the adjoint matrix is the conjugate transpose of the normal matrix. Again, adjoint maps are literally just like the dual map. There are differences, but it’s not incredibly important.

Properties of the adjoint

  1. (S+T)=S+T(S + T)^* = S^* + T^*
  1. (λT)=λT(\lambda T)^* = \lambda T^*
  1. I=II^* = I
  1. (ST)=TS(ST)^* = T^*S^*
  1. (T)=T(T^*)^* = T

Null and range

again, this is literally just like the dual space, so the same things hole

  1. nullT=(rangeT)null T^* = (range T)^\perp (relationshp between two of the four fundamental subspaces)
  1. rangeT=(nullT)range T^* = (null T)^\perp (the second relationshp between two of the four fundametnal subspaces)

Self-adjoint operator

Tv,w=v,Tw\langle Tv, w\rangle = \langle v, Tw\rangle. This means that TT must be conjugate-symmetric!

Every eigenvalue of a self-adjoint operator is real, and all eigenvectors with distinct eigenvalues of a self-adjoint matrix is orthogonal. You can prove this by using the inner product definitions of a self-adjoint operator.

Normal operators

A normal operator is defined as one that commutes with its adjoint TT=TTTT^* = T^*T. Obviously, every self-adjoint operator is normal.

In general, if Tv=Tv|Tv|| = ||T^* v|| for all vv, then TT is normal (and vice versa) You can show this by using the inner product definition of a norm.