Matrix Factorizations

TagsMath 104

LU Factorization algorithm

Create A1A_1 that has the same first row and column as AA, and the rest are filled by a multiplication table (i.e. row element times column element fills that element).

Create B1=AA1B_1 = A - A_1

Create A2A_2 from B1B_1 such that it has the same second row and second column as B1B_1, and repeat the filling in, and later, the creation of B2B_2

Keep on repeating until you get a zero matrix for B2B_2

We get A=LUA = LU, where the "L" is just the rows you created and the "U" is just the columns you created

CR Factorization

Every m×nm \times n matrix AA can be expressed as A=CRA = CR where CC is m×rm\times r linearly independent columns and RR has r×nr\times n linearly independent rows

The construction is actually very easy. Think about the matrix multiplication as the column interpretation, and it will be pretty obvious what you have to do.

We call RR the reduced row echelon form of AA. It is upper-triangular

Neat facts about the CR algorithm