Jordan Form

TagsMath 104Math 113

The motivation

Previously, we used SVD to generalize eigenbases for non-square matrices. Now, we want to look at something different. If we had a square, defective (non-diagonalizable) matrix, can we make it as diagonal as possible?

Defining "as diagonal as possible"

To do this, we will show that we can express any matrix A=XJX1A = X J X^{-1} where XX is a generalized eigenbasis for AA and where JJ is in jordan Normal Form:

Generalized Eigenvectors

Increasing null spaces

Intuitively, the null spaces will grow. {0}=null(T0)null((T1)nullT2...\{0\} = null(T^0) \subseteq null((T^1) \subseteq null T^2 ... It makes sense because anything crushed to zero stays at zero, and elements in the range of TkT^k may be in the null space of TT

Interestingly, if there is some mm such that nullTm=nullTm+1null T^m = null T^{m+1}, then all the null spaces from mm onward has the same size. You can prove this pretty easily by trying to show that nullTm+k+1nullTm+knull T^{m+k+1} \subseteq null T^{m+k} (the other way around is by definition).

And intuitively, null spaces stop growing. More precisely, when the exponent is equal to dimV\dim V, we are guarenteed to stop growing.

Generalized eigenvectors

In normal eigenvectors, TλIT - \lambda I sends eigenvectors to zero. generalized eigenvectors are such that there exists some jj such that for a generalized eigenvector vv, (TλI)jv=0(T - \lambda I)^j v = 0. We denote this generalized eigenspace as G(λ,T)G(\lambda, T).

Of course, the normal eigenvectors are contained within the notion of generalized eigenvectors

We can define G(λ,T)=null(TλI)dimVG(\lambda, T) = null(T - \lambda I)^{\dim V}.

Nilpotent Operators

A nilpotent operator (we've gone through this before) if some power of it equals zero.

If NN is nilpotent, then NdimV=0N^{\dim V} = 0. This is because null spaces stop growing at the dimV\dim V exponent, and nilpotent is defined to become zero at one point. As such, it must become zero before then.

Nilpotent operators have a basis such that the matrix is strictly upper-triangular, meaning that the diagonals are zero.

Jordan Form

A jordan chain of length kk is a sequence of non-zero vectors v1,...vkv_1, ...v_k such that (AλI)v1=0(A - \lambda I)v_1 = 0 and (AλI)vi=vi1(A - \lambda I)v_i = v_{i-1}.

If AA has at most kk linearly independent eigenvectors, a Jordan basis for AA is just the union of kk Jordan chains, each Jordan chain coming from a kk right eigenvector. You can imagine these eigenvectors being the base case, and the chain expanding from that.

The number of Jordan chains is the geometric multiplicity of AA.

Finding Jordan Chains

To do so, you start with the eigenvectors u1,...uku_1,... u_k of AA, and then you set Ax=u1Ax = u_1 and solve for xx. And you keep on doing this until you have no more solutions. Then, you move onto u2u_2 and continue.

Connecting back to the Jordan block

Each JiλiIJ_i - \lambda_i I is a nilpotent operator. To be precise, it has a diagonal of zeros, and it maps uku_k to uk1u_{k-1} and u1u_1 to 00. As such, you can imagine each "block" of the Jordan matrix as corresponding to one of the generalized eigenvectors G(λi,Ji)G(\lambda_i, J_i).

Each Jordan chain form the series of vectors that map down to the zero vector, so each Jordan chain corresponds to some JiJ_i. Putting multiple Jordan chains together in a diagonal fashion produces the Jordan block matrix representation A

More about Jordan chains

Recall that we are only concerned with JJ in some Jordan Basis that creates the Jordan Normal Form.

Jordan chains of length nn have jordan block matrices of n×nn\times n. The most degenerate Jordan chain would be an eigenvector. As such, if AA is diagonalizable, then the Jordan Basis is just the eigenbasis and the normal form contains nn degenerate "block" matrices that are just individual numbers down the diagonal.

On the other side of things, you can have a Jordan chain be the length of the basis itself. As such, if AA is m×mm\times m, then the Jordan "block" would also be m×mm\times m.