Four fundamental spaces


The two common spaces


The nullspace is defined as

you can imagine it as the place where the matrix crushes the vector to zero. If we use the inner product interpretation, N(A)N(A) is also the set of vectors that are orthogonal to every row of AA. It also means that you can add xx to anything and the AA will still output the same thing

Az=A(x+z)Az = A(x + z)

The nullspace is itself a vector space. We will talk about the deeper meaning later.

We call AA as one-to-one if the only nullspace element is the zero vector. Equivalently, 1) the columns of AA are independent, 2) AA has a left inverse, and the determinant of the gram matrix 3ATAA^TA is non-zero. We will establish these later


The range is defined as

which is 1) the span of AA, and 2) the set of vectors yy such that Ax=yAx = y has a solution.

If a matrix AA maps to the whole space, we say that 1) it has a right inverse, 2) the rows are indpendent, 3) it is one-to-one, 3) the determinant of AATAA^T is non-zero. We will establish these later.

Four fundamental subspaces

In the input space, we have the null space N(A)N(A) and the orthogonal to the null space N(A)N(A)^\perp. These form the whole input space.

For the output space, we have the range R(A)R(A) and the orthogonal to the range R(A)R(A)^\perp.

All inputs map to the range (duh), although all inputs in the null space just map to zero. Here, we can make some assertions


We have the nullspace of TT, or null(T)null(T). If vnull(T)v\in null(T), then Tv=0Tv = 0. Another term for this is the kernel of the matrix. Another term that might come up is the right nullspace

We also have the rowspace of TT. Everything in the rowspace maps to everything in the column space of TT. Why is this the case? Well, this is complicated. The intution is that the rowspace maps toe the columnspace of the matrix. This intuition seems valid because you can think of the rows as "input" and the columns as "output". The formalism is better left until we discuss dual spaces. We will understand ATA^T as the dual map of AA, and duals flip everything around.

These two subspaces are orthogonal to each other.


We have the Column space of TT, which is just the range of the columns, and thus the range of the linear map.

We also have the nullspace of ATA^T, which we call the left nullspace of AA. Again, this will make more sense when we get to dual maps, but essentially it's the dual of the right nullspace. You can't get to the left nullspace by applying AA.

These two subspaces are orthogonal to each other

Important properties

Row space is orthogonal to the null space (a). Column space is orthogonal to the null space of the tranaposed matrix (the dual matrix)

Other properties of fundamental subspaces

  1. if yR(AB)y \in R(AB), then y=ABxy = ABx, which means that yR(A)y \in R(A).
  1. bit more tricky; probably uses some of the equivalences
  1. if xN(B)x \in N(B), then Bx=0Bx =0, so ABx=0ABx = 0, so the theorem holds
  1. if Ax=0Ax = 0, then ATAx=0A^TAx = 0, which is obvious. What about the other way around? AT(Ax)=0A^T(Ax) = 0, Therefore, AxAx is within the range of AA and also in the null of ATA^T, but these are orthogonal complements of each other, so Ax=0Ax = 0.
  1. follows from rank nullity