
TagsFormalMath 113

Dual space

We introduce dual Spaces as an alternate way of understanding inner products. This is a bit esoteric, so feel free to ski.

Linear functionals

A linear functional ϕ\phi is a linear map that goes from ϕ:VF\phi: V → F. It just takes a weighted sum of each component of the vector, so you can think of it as ϕ(v)=av\phi(v) = a \cdot v, where aa is a vector that defines the linaer functional.

Linear Functionals Define a Dual Space

The vector aa is a vector, and because aa and vv have the same dimension, they are isomorphic.

More formally, for a vector space VV over a field F, the dual space VV' is the space of linear functionals over this field, denoted as V=L(V,F)V' = \mathcal{L}(V, F).

Dual Basis Property

The dual basis has a weird property. Say that you had space in R3R^3. Your dual basis can be something like (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), and (0, 0, 1).. When you take the dot product of this basis with the corresponding basis in the non-dual space, you get that (1,0,0)e1=1(1, 0, 0) \cdot e_1 = 1 and anything else is zero. In more formal terms:

φi(vk)=δik\varphi_i(v_k) = \delta_{ik}

The φ\varphi represents the functional defined by the dual basis, and it "selects" its corresponding non-dual vector.

You can define dual basis on stuff other than the canonical basis, but for our purposes it's easier to use the canonical.

Dual Maps

A dual map is defined in terms of the dual space. We define the dual map as T(ϕ)=ϕTT’(\phi) = \phi \circ T for all ϕW\phi \in W’.

So if T:VWT: V → W, then T:WVT': W' → V'. Here, WW’ is the linear functional parameters for WW, and VV’ is the linear functional parameters for VV.

Algebraic properties

(S+T)=S+T(S+T)' = S' + T'

(λT)=λT(\lambda T)' = \lambda T'

(ST)=TS(ST)' = T'S'


For any subspace UVU \subseteq V, the annilator U0U^0 is defined as the following

U0={ϕV:ϕ(u)=0 uU}U^0 = \{\phi \in V': \phi(u) = 0\ \forall u\in U\}

This is a subspace in dual VV’ that has a specific property. We can understand this as the orthogonal complement to UU, but let’s not use this term just yet.

Annihilator and dual identities

{0}0=V\{0\}^0 = V'. Take a second to think about why

dimU+dimU0=dimV\dim U + \dim U^0 = \dim V (makes sense)

null(T)=(rangeT)0null(T') = (range T)^0.

rangeT=(nullT)0range T' = (null T)^0

dimnullT=dimnullT+dimWdimV\dim null T' = \dim null T + \dim W - \dim V


Matrix of the dual map

finally, we will start to tie things together. What does the matrix of the dual map look like?

The matrix of the dual map is just the transpose of the normal map!