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A matrix is positive definite
if , and positive semidefinite
if .
PSD does not necessarily imply that it is symmetric, although we often restrict our discussions to symmetric matrices
These things are equivalent for PSD (and therefore are necessary & sufficient conditions)
- element tool: use summation expansion
- vector tool: look for norms
- Eigenvectors non-negative
- vector tool: look for some norm contradiction
- No guarantees that there is an eigenbasis though (although if it’s symmetric, it does have eigenbasis)
-  for some matrix . Proof: take SVD, things cancel out, and you get a new SVD and each of the singular values are positive because they are squared). s
Other important properties for PSD (necessary, but not sufficient)
- invertible if positive definite (because there exists no vector that gets crushed to zero)
- If invertible (non-zero eigenvectors), the inverse of PSD is also PSD. Proof: assuming that it’s symmetric, you can invert it by taking the reciprocal of eigenvalues, which maintains positive
- determinant is always positive