Gaussian Channel

TagsContinuousEE 276

Gaussian Channels

The gaussian channel is just a continuous RV with an added noise vector

Of course, if XX weren’t constrained, the capacity is arbitrarily large because you can essentially make XX as large as possible to drown the noise out. So, we are interested in situations where the XX has a certain limit:

1nxi2<P\frac{1}{n}\sum x_i^2 < P

where PP is the power limit.

The channel

We make a power-constrained channel as follows

And we can use the chain rule of MI and the knowledge that Y=X+ZY = X + Z to yield the following derivation

We know the closed form expression for h(z)h(z).

Now, we continue by realizing that Y=X+ZY = X + Z. We know that E[Y2]=E[X2]+E[Z2]=P+σ2E[Y^2] = E[X^2] + E[Z^2] = P + \sigma^2 because they are independent and E[X],E[Z]=0E[X], E[Z] = 0. Now, this is actually really nice. We know that a gaussian maximizes this second moment, so h(y)12log(2πe(p+σ2))h(y) \leq \frac{1}{2}\log (2\pi e(p + \sigma^2)). But is this gaussian achievable?

As it turns out, yes! The sum of two independent gaussians is gaussian, so we can just use the maximizing distribution for E[X2]PE[X^2] \leq P, which is the gaussian with variance PP. If we add this to ZZ, we get the maximizing distribution for YY. In this case, we have

C=h(Y)h(Z)=12log(2πe(P+σ2))12log(2πeσ2)=12log(1+pσ2)C = h(Y) -h(Z) = \frac{1}{2}\log(2\pi e(P + \sigma^2)) - \frac{1}{2}\log(2\pi e \sigma^2) =\boxed{ \frac{1}{2} \log(1 + \frac{p}{\sigma^2})}

And this is the capacity of a gaussian channel! We call the p/σ2p / \sigma^2 the signal to noise ratio, and we see how the capacity depends on it.

Quantized Gaussian

You might let XX be a binary signal. This gets you a quantized channel with the YY being a bimodal gaussian. This reduces the capacity (still by symmetry, the XX should be uniform).

You might further choose to quanitize the output YY. At this point, you have created a BSC with crossover probability pp, which is a function of the power limit and the noise of zz. You calculate this by taking the CDF.