Score-Based Diffusion Models

TagsCS 236

Diffusion Models

In this next section, we will solve the problems established above, which moves us to diffusion models.

Gaussian Perturbation

Here’s the insight: our model doesn’t fit well because the samples are in a manifold, and everything else is OOD. Now, what if we “fattened” the manifold by adding gaussian noise? After doing this, it’s no longer a manifold anymore.

Adding noise is a surefire way of increasing the space that the samples take up. For instance, you can imagine adding so much noise that the original data is lost to the noise.

We estimate these noised scores using our noisy score matching paradigm (very convenient!)

Using Multiple Noise Scales (Noise Scheduling)

Here’s the idea: can we somehow anneal the noise? When you start, you are at a very high noise level, and it’s easier for you to fit a highly-noised version of the data. Then, as you get closer to that distribution, you can change the objective to fit a lower-noised version, and so on and so forth.

By adding these degrees of noise, you’re making it much easier to approach the mode of the distribution by allowing the score function to be more accurate throughout the process

This process yields the Annealed Langevin Dynamics paradigm

Noise Conditioned Score Networks

This means that you have to specify a σi\sigma_i into the score function, because the value of changes the score estimatnion. You could also make a score function for every noise level, but the amortization process is more efficient. These networks are called Noise Conditional Score Networks.

We train these networks using our noisy-score estimation method above. We simply sample different levels of noise, and we combine these different losses using a weighting objective

Choosing Noise Scales

We start with σ1\sigma_1 being approximately the maximum pairwise distance between datapoints, because it means that the datapoints will have sufficient overlap (this is an approximation). In general, the adjacent noise scale distributions should have enough overlap, or else the OOD problems appear again.

Generally, we choose a geometric progression.

Choosing the weighting function

In general, we want to balance the score matching losses. This is not trivial, because different scales of noises yield different levels of losses. If we let λ(σi)=σi2\lambda(\sigma_i) = \sigma_i^2, we get

So, if we decide to fit ϵθ\epsilon_\theta using this derived objective, we will be fitting each noise level equally. Furthermore, this ϵθ\epsilon_\theta has a nice interpretation. It predicts the normalized noise added to the data!

Practical Implementation of Diffusion

The total training algorithm

Let’s put everything together into the diffusion training algorithm

  1. Sample data x1,,xnx_1, …, x_n
  1. Sample noise scale indices i1,,ini_1, …, i_n
  1. Sample batch of unit gaussian noise z1,,znz_1, …, z_n
  1. Estimate the derived objective (below) and perform gradient descent

The total sampling algorithm

  1. Start from pure noise
  1. Using your current noise level, evaluate the score function and use Langevin dynamics to move yourself to this noise level
  1. reduce noise level, and use Langevin dynamics again
  1. Keep doing this until you get to a very low noise level


Usually, we implement a diffusion model as a U-net that has a noise conditioning applied to every layer. The network predicts the noise ϵθ\epsilon_\theta, or rather, the normalied noise. There are some technialities that i’m skipping here, but essentially this is a supervised learning problem

Diffusion Models as Hierarchical VAE

Iterative Noising (encoder)

So in our above derivation, we used samples with different noises added. We can represent this as a stochastic process where you start with noiseless image and you add noise iteratively through a conditional distribution

Therefore, you can sort of see this process as encoding some x0x_0 as noise. Every timestep, the encoder doesn’t have a parameter, but it still creates a distribution q(xtxt1)q(x_t | x_{t-1}).

As a sidenote, you can express q(xtx0)q(x_t | x_0) in closed form because of the gaussian formulation.

In total, you get a distribution over latent variables

q(x1:nx0)=t=1nq(xtxt1)q(x_{1:n}|x_0) = \prod_{t=1}^nq(x_t | x_{t-1})

Iterative denoising

In every denoising step, you want to compute p(xt1xt)p(x_{t-1} | x_t). In diffusion, we use Langevin dynamics and a score estimation to sample from this distribuiton. We can reframe this as a heirarchical VAE, in which we have a chain of latent variables (x1,,xnx_1, …, x_n) that influence the main variable x0x_0.

In total, you get a decoder that takes these Latents and computes

p(x0:n)=p(xn)t=1npθ(xt1xt)p(x_{0:n}) = p(x_n) \prod^n_{t=1}p_\theta(x_{t-1} | x_t)

Now this is tricky because you might think that we are re-modeling the latents. This is sort of true but note that we are taking the “encoded” latents and decoding every step, i.e. we are doing a chain of decoding. It may be more informative to think of it as two sets of variables: x0xnx_0 → x_n as the encoding process, and then xnx0x_n' → x_0' as the decoding process.


The ultimate goal is to still maximize pθ(x0)p_\theta(x_0), but this requires us to marginalize over x0,..,xnx_0,.., x_n.

Concretely, we can compute p(x0:n)p(x_{0:n}) easily using chain rule. We can also compute q(x1:nx0)q(x_{1:n} | x_0) easily using the noising equations. Therefore, the ELBO should come easily.

Relationship to score models

Let’s assume that we parameterize the denoiser pθ(xt1xt)p_\theta(x_{t-1} | x_t) as a gaussian.

where the ϵθ\epsilon_\theta is a noise predictor.

Why gaussian? Well, as a spoiler, we are going to equate the ELBO to the denoising score matching. The denoising score matching decoding process is a Langevin dynamic system, which requires us to add noise at every step.

The constants are derived from the noising process, which we don’t have to worry too much about (it’s a technicality). Now, if we construct the ELBO, we get

Hey!! This looks familiar! It’s just denoising score matching again!

The key upshot: you can arrive at the denoising score matching through the score matching derivation OR the ELBO VAE derivation. They are the same means to an end

Diffusion Models as ODE, PDE

Diffusion as Continuous Process

In this section, we will re-cast diffusion models as ODE’s, which gives us infinite noise schedules. So previously, we had imagined transforming the distribution as a stochastic process (Markov Chain, MCMC)

However, if you squint carefully, you can imagine a continuous process that maps the data to noise.

Diffusion as ODE

This discovery touches on a key insight: MCMC and stochastic processes are just a Monte Carlo solution to a stochastic differential equation! An SDE is expressed as the formula

dxt=f(xt,t)dt+g(t)dwtdx_t = f(x_t, t)dt + g(t)dw_t

where tt is the main variable, and ww is a noise component. All stochastic processes can be described this way!

In the diffusion model c ase, we have a forward SDE expressed as dxt=σ(t)dwtdx_t = \sigma(t) dw_t, and this σ(t)\sigma(t) is a continuous function now. This SDE is very simple: it’s just adding noise at every step.

On the way back, we have a reverse SDE expressed as

dxt=σ(t)2xlogpt(xt)dt+σ(t)dwtdx_t = -\sigma(t)^2\nabla_x \log p_t(x_t) dt + \sigma(t)dw_t

Now, we don’t have to understand completely where this comes from, but do you see how we move in the direction of the score with some additional component of noise?

Training continuous diffusion model

Instead of conditioning the model on σ\sigma, you can condition the score model on tt, which yields the following objective

It’s pretty simple; you just sample from a continuous distribution now, which is derivable through standard equation solvers.

In reverse time, you can compute the derivative form, which allows you to apply SDE solvers. One common solver is Euler-Maruyama, which is like the Euler method but for ODEs.

Notice how this is similar to the MCMC formulation. The key difference is that we move forward in tt rather than staying at one noise level.

Predictor-Corrector Method

See: Song, Sohl-Dickstein, Kingma, Kumar, Ermon, Poole. “Score-Based Generative Modeling through Stochastic Differential Equations.” ICLR 2021.

When you do score-based MCMC, you’re keeping the tt but refining the distribution at tt. When you apply an SDE solver, you’re moving forward in tt.

The process of moving forward (predictor) often makes mistakes, but the MCMC can correct for such mistakes. Therefore, a common algorithm involves running SDE and MCMC in an alternating fashion.

In discrete land, every time you change the noise level, you’re making a prediction step. Every time you run the langevin dynamics (using the score model), you’re making a corrector step.

Converting SDE into ODE

It turns out that you can create an ODE (deterministic) mapping that creates the same marginals as the SDE. In other words, we can express this whole thing as a really complicated normalizing flow model!

Specifically, you can find this relationship

And you can invert this by computing

where the integral is computed by an ODE solver. So this is an continuous time normalizing flow model!


The problem with a lot of diffusion models is that every step is very expensive. Therefore, we can train a good teacher that uses a lot of timesteps, and then you train a student model to mimic the denoising of multiple teacher steps at once. This helps with reducing the number of test-time denoisings.

Guided Diffusion

Latent Diffusion Model

Instead of generating an image, what if we generate a latent space? We can create supervision through a pretrained VAE.

During test-time, this allows you to generate samples very quickly because you are in latent space. It can also be applied to discrete data.

Classifier Guidance

If you have some forward model p(yx)p(y|x) and some p(x)p(x), you can create a diffusion model p(xy)p(x | y). This is because you can apply bayes rule for score funtions

and the last term is zero. If you have p(yx)p(y|x) as a model (usually, yy is a class label), then you can easily compute the score of p(xy)p(x | y) and therefore train / sample from it.