Maximum Likelihood Learning

TagsCS 236


What can we learn?

Learning from KL Divergence

We start from first principles of KL divergence to explain why log likelihood is sufficient

Derivation of Maximum Likelihood

So if we want to push PdataP_{data} close to PθP_\theta, we can use KL divergence to get the following:

which we can simplify into

Note how the first term doesn’t depend on θ\theta, so the only thing that remains is the negative log-likelihood. This means that to minimize the KL divergence, it is sufficient to maximize the log likelihood!

Moving to empirical log-likelihood

Because we don’t know PdataP_{data}, we can use a Monte Carlo sample

and we get

Gradient Descent

The gradient of log-probability, as long as pθp_\theta is differentiable, is well-defined. It isn’t convex, but it works well

Avoiding Overfitting

Regularize by model complexity, smaller networks, model sharing

Applying MLE

MLE can be used for any model with likelihood estimates, including autoregressive models

The relationship between L2, Likelihood, DKL ⭐

Sometimes, you want to do max-likelihood, and sometimes you want to do L2, etc. Is there a connection? Actually, yes!

So as you recall, this is a gaussian PDF:

If you take the log-likelihood and set σ=1\sigma = 1, then you have recreated the L2 objective. You can imagine the σ\sigma as modulating the importance of distance in L2 space. The larger the sigma, the less of a problem it is.

L2 losses also end up being equivalent to minimizing the KL divergence between the policy action distribution and the expert action distribution, as sampled under the expert action distribution (not the other way around).