Convex Optimization Problems


Problem formulation tips

Start by finding out what you want to optimize, and then finding out what’s preventing you from taking that to infinity or negative infinity.

A common trick is to take an objective and adding a constraint to make the problem easier. More specifically, it can be helpful to turn a potentially out-of-scope objective and turn it into an in-scope objective with an additional constraint. Or, use an auxiliary variable. See below for two examples

Quasiconvex functions

You can’t optimize quasiconvex functions directly, but you do know the sublevel sets are convex, so you can just find the smallest sublevel set that is feasible.

Indicator functions

If you want to change a restriction into a value, use an infinite-indicator function. If the set is convex, then the indicator function is convex.

Common reformulations for LP

What doesn’t work

Optimization Basics

We try to solve this objective:

xx is the optimization variable and f0f_0 is the objective function.

And obviously, the domain is the intersection of all of the function’s domains. We call a point feasible if it satisfies all constraints. We call a problem feasible if it has at least one such point. The set of feasible points is called the feasible / constraint set. If the constraint functions are convex, then the feasible set is convex (intersection of cvx spaces are cvx)

Formally, we may express our objective as

If the problem is infeasible, the best solution is \infty because the infimum of the empty set is typically denoted as \infty.

We call the problem convex if constraints are affine and the objective functions are convex. We call the problem quasiconvex if the objective is quasiconvex and the inequality constraints are convex and the equality constraints are affine.

Again, important: for convex optimization, inequality must be convex and equality must be affine

The variables that make up the constraint variables are part of the optimization problem as well.

Feasibility problem

Sometimes, we just want to see if a problem is feasible. If this is the case, just define f0(x)=0f_0(x) = 0. If the constraints have a non-empty feasible set, then the solution is 0. If not, the solution is infinity.

If you’re asking if some optimization problem is feasible, the domains are implicitly factored in (including the domain of the objective function)

Optimal and locally optimal points

A point is optimal if it is feasible and satisfies f0(x)=pf_0(x^*) = p^*. We call this set of points the optimal set. If we hit the limit of some inequality, like fi(x)=0f_i(x) = 0, we say that fif_i is active. Otherwise, it is inactive.

A point is locally optimal if there exists some radius RR such that this point is optimal in this radius.

Convex optimization

Remember that convex optimization is only referring to the standard form. There are “abstract” convex optimization problems that have a convex feasible set, but they must be formulated into the standard form to be considered a convex optimization objective.

Optimality properties of convex functions 🚀

Claim: any locally optimal point is globally optimal in a convex function

This is not true for quasiconvex functions.

Supporting Hyperplane Theorem

If xx is optimal for a convex problem if and only if it’s feasible and

What does does this mean? Well, it’s either zero (at the global maximum) or a supporting hyperplane for the convex set of feasible inputs. This is actually a critical result. It means that we either are globally optimized, or we’re at the boundary.

Therefore, if there is no constraint, this is only satisfied if f(x)=0\nabla f(x) = 0.

Relation between convex constraints and convex sets

If you have a convex constraint f(x)0f(x) \leq 0, then the set is convex. Why? Well, you can prove by first principles. If you satisfy the constraint, then

{xf(x)0}\{x | f(x)\leq 0\}

And you have because of convexity and the original constraint

f(θx1+(1θ)x2)θf(x1)+(1θ)f(x2)0f(\theta x_1 + (1-\theta)x_2) \leq \theta f(x_1) + (1-\theta)f(x_2) \leq 0

which proves convexity of the set.

Standard Convex Problems

Linear Program (LP)

A linear program is the simplest convex problem, and it means that everything is linear

The feasible set is a polyhedron, which means that the optimum point will generlaly be on a point of the polyhedron.

You can cast a piecewise-linear minimization problem as a linear program by using the epigraph problem form (see later section). The key upshot is that if you can make a piecewise linear function that fits even a complicated function, you will be able to maximize it quickly.

Linear programs don’t have closed-form solutions, but they are pretty easy to solve using established methods that we’ll describe later.

If LPs are homogeneous, then the solution is either 0 or -\infty.

You can interpret Ax=bAx = b as the intersection of a bunch of hyperplanes, where aix=bia_i x = b_i for each row of AA. You can interpret GxhGx \preceq h as the intersection of a bunch of halfspaces.

Quadratic problem (QP)

This one is a step up from linear programs. Instead of minimizing a linear program, we minimize a quadratic program over a polyhedron.

The most common form of quadratic problems are least squares.

You may also have a Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Program (QCQP), which uses a quadratic constraint. Quadratic constraints are ellipsoids

Second-order cone programming (SOCP)

We can have a constraint that is a cone

Note that this is not the squared norm, so it can’t be reduced in to a QCQP unless ci=0c_i = 0. This is a more general form, and it is still convex.

Generally, the constraint Ax+b2cTx+d||Ax + b||_2 \leq c^Tx + d is a second-order cone constraint.

Conic Form Problem

This is when we have our standard affine constraint but the inequality is in conic form.

Linear programming is just a special case of a conic form problem.

Semidefinite program (SDP)

Common if you are trying to optimize a matrix like a covariance matrix

We can define this cone in matrix space, which allows us to minimize with constraints over matrices

Because you are working on matrices, beware of things like PSD (a matrix X0X \succeq 0 means that it is PSD, not that all elements are greater than zero).

Linear-fractional program

This is when you try to solve

This is a quasiconvex optimization problem because the linear-fractional is quasiconvex. However, you can make it into a linear program by introducing a separate variable x=y/zx = y/z, and this gets you

Geometric programming (GP) ⭐

This is super useful, because it opens up a lot more optimization problems

Unlike the examples above, geometric programming is not innately convex. A geometric program is when you have

General tips

If you see a posynomial or a monomial, try letting yi=logxiy_i = \log x_i. You might be pleasantly surprised at how far that gets you.


This looks like a convex problem, but ff is a posynomial defined as follows:

and hh are monomials (which are just a single term of a posynomial).The exponents can be anything, but the leading coefficient must be non-negative.

Log-log convexity

Normally, this is not convex, but we can change it into convex form if we apply a change of variables yi=logxiy_i = \log x_i. It turns a monomial into an affine function

And the posynomial constraints become a log-sum-exp

Which turns the geometric program into a convex problem. We call this process “log-log convexity” because you replace the variables with the log version, and then you log the outside.

Examples / things that work

Products, ratios, and powers are log-log affine, which is very good when we’re concerned about things with such structure.


You can build up expressions that are log-log convex incrementally. Just replace the DCP’s “convex” with log-log convex. Here are some good facts to know

Transforming Problems

We saw the standard form in the above section. This means that we are always minimizing, with all constraints using 00 as the constant. We always have f0f \leq 0, so you may have to negate.

Change of variables

If ϕ\phi is one-to-one with a domain larger than the feasible set, then if x=ϕ(z)x = \phi(z), then

is equivalent to

The logic being you can solve in zz space and easily teleport back into xx space. This is especially helpful because zz is simpler (as x=ϕ(z)x = \phi(z)), and perhaps it is more likely to be convex.

To do this transformation, you typically start with the fˉ(z)\bar{f}(z) and then you build this f(x)f(x).

Natural corollaries

Transforming objective and constraint problems

We have seen how to transform the variables. But what about the functions? Well, if these conditions are satisfied

Then, the standard form is equivalent to

If ϕ0\phi_0 is monotone decreasing, composing ϕ0(f0(x))\phi_0(f_0(x)) can turn a maximization problem into a minimization problem. Commonly, we negate or reciprocal. .

Removing equality constraints

You can implicitly parameterize away equality constraints. If you start with

Then you can get

This is because if you have Ax=bAx = b, then you can solve for some FF and x0x_0 such that x=Fz+x0x = Fz + x_0.

Introducing equality constraints

You can introduce inequality constraints if you have an implicit constraint to start, like this:

because it is the same as

Introducing slack variables

You can also remove equality constraints by introducing slack variables. This allows you to turn inequalities into equality constraints.

Optimizing some variables

You can always partially optimize the problem; that is legal, and you can complete the other part later.

Epigraph problem form

We can rewrite the standard objective as finding the smallest tt for an epigraph

Which has a nice geometric interpretation too. It just means that you’re trying to find the smallest point on the epigraph. The constraints make sure that you stay on the epigraph and within the feasibility bounds.

Implicit constraints

We can also just encode the constraints into the domain of the function

conversely, we can take these implicit constraints of some problems and turn them into explicit constraints.

Convex relaxation

This is when you start with a non-convex problem and find a convex function that is a pointwise lower bound. You also find the convex hull of the constraint set, if it’s not convex to begin with. Then, you optimize this new problem. We call this problem the convex relaxation of the original problem.

Quasiconvex optimization

Quasiconvex optimization has the form above, where fif_i is convex and f0f_0 is quasiconvex. It turns out that solving quasiconvex optimization is just solving a series of convex optimization problems.

Convex representation of sublevel sets

Recall that a t-sublevel set of ff is the xx such that f(x)tf(x)\leq t. A quasiconvex function has all convex sublevel sets, which means that for every tt, it’s possible to find some ϕt(x)\phi_t(x) whose 0-sublevel set is the same as the t-sublevel set of ff. More precisely

f(x)tϕt(x)0f(x)\leq t \leftrightarrow \phi_t(x)\leq 0

And this ϕ\phi is convex, meaning that at every tt, we can see if it is feasible easily.

Bisection method

Using this convex representation, we can create a convex feasibility problem

If ϕi(x)0\phi_i(x)\leq 0 is non-empty, then it means that the ff is minimized at some point below ii. This allows us to continue searching only one one half of the divide. This is the bisection method

Multicriterion optimization

What happens if you have multiple objectives?

You could have some xx^* that simultaneously minimizes each FF. If this happens, we call the point xx^* as optimal. But what if this doesn’t happen?

Pareto optimality

We say that a solution xx dominates another x~\tilde{x} if f0(x)f0(x~)f_0(x)\preceq f_0(\tilde{x}) and for at least one ii, we have Fi(x)<Fi(x~)F_i(x)< F_i(\tilde{x}). So basically it should meet x~\tilde{x} on all objectives and beat it on at least one.

A feasible xpox^{po} is Pareto optimal if there isn’t another feasible point that dominates it. You can also say that if f0(y)f0(xpo)f_0(y)\preceq f_0(x^{po}), then f0(y)=f0(xpo)f_0(y)= f_0(x^{po}). Note that yy is not necessarily equal to xpox^{po}. There are typically many such points. This idea of Pareto optimality doesn’t exist on single objectives because there’s a notion of strict ordering. Also, as you might see, not all boundary points are optimal, even if the boundary curve is convex.

Relating to our discussion on minimum vs minimal, the Pareto Optimal value is a minimal value of the multi-objective; it may not be the optimal.

In this diagram, the 2d space is the output of f0f_0. Note how we look to the left and down when we want to see if something is minimal.


This is sort of the fundamental of machine learning, especially with regularization.

You can also just turn the multi-objective into a single objective by summing them togethe

Turns out, if xx is optimal for this problem, it is Pareto optimal for the multi-objective problem. We can find different Pareto optimal points by changing λ\lambda. You can understand this λ\lambda as a hyperplane that sweeps across the output space of f0(x)f_0(x), and the minimum is the first time the OO touches this plane. This also explains why we can get all Pareto optimal points as long as the space is convex.

In the graph above, however, f0(x3)f_0(x_3) is not reachable through scalarization, precisely because something is in the way if we try to have a plane tangent to f0(x3)f_0(x_3). (can you visualize why this is the case?)

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